C/ Prat de la Creu 74-76, baixos. Andorra la Vella


The most popular activity carried out in the valley is hiking. Three GR paths, the GR7, GR11 and GRP, and a broad network of local paths cross the valley and interconnect to be able to reach the most secluded places of the valley on foot.


A. Refugi de l’Illa 0. CIAM
B. Refugi del Riu dels Orris 1. Escultures d’Erik Dietman
C. Refugi de Perafita 2. Borda Sabater (en ruïnes)
D. Refugi de Claror 3. Borda i pont Sassanat
E. Refugi de Fontverd 4. Bordes de Ràmio (7 dempeus i 4 en ruïnes)
5. Infraestructures hidroelèctriques
NATURAL ATTRIBUTES 6. Borda de l’Estall
1. Circs glaciars 7. Cabanes de diferents períodes a Fontverd
2. Altiplà de Calm de Claror 8. Farga d’Andorra
3. Sistema llacustre Gargantillar-els estanys 9. Barraca de la Farga
4. Difluència glaciar de Vallcivera 10. Barraca de l’estall Serrer
5. Cubeta glaciar suspesa de l’Estany Blau 11. Pleta de l’Estall Serrer
6. Cubeta d’Entremesaigües 12. Cabana del serrat de la Barracota
7. Forma en U de la vall principal 13. Orris del riu dels Orris
8. Solà de Ràmio (canals d’allaus) 14. Orris de Setut
9. Riu Madriu (interès florístic i paisatgístic) 15. Cabana de Setut
10. Estany de la Nou (interès geomorfològic i paisatgístic) 16. Cabana dels Estanys
11. Molleres (interès florístic i funcional) 17. Infraestructures hidrolèctriques
12. Bosc de ribera 18. Bordes d’Entremesaigües (6 bordes)
13. Bosc higròfil mixt 19. Borda de cal Xic
14. Bosc madur del Ròdol-Costa Verda, hàbitat d’espècies amenaçades 20. Orris de Mateu
21. Cabana de Claror
22. Orris de Perafita
23. Mines de Maiana
24. Cabana de Perafita


GRP del Port Negre a la Collada de Pessons 14,86 km 1.200 m 1.000 m Difícil
GR 11.10 de la Plana al Port de Perafita 6,55 km 1.350 m 8 m Moderada
GR 7 de la Plana a la collada de Pessons 12,55 km 1.600 m  Moderada


In the upper part, in green, the shield and the name of the comú, and in the outer part of the signpost their must also be the Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley logo (in areas of joint administration of the territory, only the valley logo is displayed).
In the centre part of the signpost, in a neutral colour, three significant destinations are given: a nearby one, and intermediate one and one that is further away. These destinations can be natural or cultural values and they are accompanied, on the right, by the duration of the route and, on the left, the icon showing the kind of destination. The icons have been unified by all the official bodies so that from now on, the same ones will be used in all official supports (maps, plans, guides, etc.).

If the type of path to get to the indicated destination changes with regard to the one you are on, before the distance there is the mark associated to the type of path (GR, GRP, CI or CC).
The direction of the path is indicated by means of an arrow on the outer part of the signpost.

The lower part of the signpost is the same colour as the upper part. In the lower part you will see the kind(s) of path (GR, GRP, CI or CC), equestrian or mountain bike variants, with the associated mark. On the exterior part, there is the Andorra brand in black. Between these two pieces of information, whenever it exists, the name of the path is given.


Panel at Fontverd

Apart from the orientation signals, if you walk through the valley, you will find the 13 interpretation panels that will help you interpret and read the landscape. Let’s see if you find them all!